New MERCEDES NTG7 - MBUX 2G AHD/CVBS rear and front camera input video interface Expand

MERCEDES NTG7 - MBUX 2G AHD/CVBS rear and front camera input video interface

Mercedes Mercedes



Video inserter for rear-view camera, front camera with auto switching and 2 video-sources. CVBS and AHD compatible.

Compatible with Mercedes Benz MBUX 2G NTG7 systems with 9.5, 10.25 und 11.9 monitor.

More details

€ 392,62

tax incl.

Video inserter for rear-view camera, front camera with auto switching and 2 video-sources. CVBS and AHD compatible.

Compatible with Mercedes Benz MBUX 2G NTG7 systems with 9.5, 10.25 und 11.9 monitor.

Product features

  • Video-insertion for factory infotainment systems
  • 1 Rear-view camera AHD/CVBS video-input
  • 1 AHD/CVBS front camera video-input
  • 2 CVBS video-inputs for after-market devices (e.g. DVD-Player, DVB-T tuner, .)
  • Supported AHD resolutions 720p NTSC (30Hz), 720p PAL (25Hz), 960p NTSC (30Hz),
    960p PAL (25Hz), 1080p NTSC (30Hz), 1080p PAL (25Hz)
  • Automatic switching to rear-view camera input on engagement of reverse gear
  • Automatic front camera switching after reverse gear for 10 seconds
  • Video-in-motion (ONLY for connected video-sources)
  • Compatible with factory rear-view camera
  • AV-inputs PAL/NTSC compatible


C-class (W206) from 06/2021,
C-class T-model/station wagon (S206) from 06/2021,
C-class All-Terrain (X206) from 10/2021,
CLE Coupé (C236) from 11/2023,
CLE Convertible (A236) from 2024,
E-class (W214) from 08/2023,
E-class T-model/station wagon (S214) from 08/2023,
E-class All-Terrain (X214) from 09/2013,
EQE (V295) from 03/2022,
EQE SUV (X294) from 12/2022,
EQS (V297) from 08/2021,
EQS SUV (X296) from 08/2022,
GLC Coupé (C254) from 07/2023,
GLC SUV (X254) from 07/2022.
GT AMG Coupé (C192) from 10/2023,
SL AMG (R232) from 11/2021
MBUX 2G NTG7 multimedia system with 9.5 or 11.9 inch monitor

A-class (W177),
B-class (W247),
Sprinter (W907/W910),
Vito (W447)
MBUX 2G NTG7 multimedia system with 10.25 inch monitor


Video onlyThe interface inserts ONLY video signals into the infotainment. For inserting Audio signals either the possibly existing factory audio-AUX-input or a FM-modulator can be used. If 2 audio sources shall be connected to the infotainment, an additional electronic is necessary to switch them.
Factory rear-view cameraAutomatically switching-back from inserted video to factory rear-view camera is only possible while the reverse gear is engaged. To delay the switch-back an additional electronic part is required.
After market front cameraThe front camera will automatically be switched for 10 seconds after disengaging the reverse gear. A manually front camera switching is possible by external keypad.
Video input signalOnly NTSC video sources compatible.
Guide linesAvailable only for vehicles with 7inch monitor, not for 10inch monitor. If the interface does not receive the required information from the vehicle guide lines won’t be supported.


Operation voltage7V – 25V
Stand-by power drain<10mA
Video input0.7V - 1V
Video input formatNTSC
RGB-video amplitude0.7V with 75 Ohm impedance
Temperature range-40°C to +85°C
Dimensions video-box119×24×95 mm (W×H×D)

Connections (Interface-box)

  • Video-insertion: Double Fakra
  • Power
  • Video-inputs (2x): RCA connector
  • Rear-view camera-input: RCA connector
  • Front camera-input: RCA connector


Remember that in some states it is illegal to use the video in motion while driving!

The manufacturer of this item, and the administrator of this site will not be responsible for any damage to persons or property caused by improper use or in terms contrary to the laws.

CategoryRear View Camera Interfaces, Video integration